Process safety
In the Oil and Gas industry, our "process" is getting hydrocarbons out of the ground, transporting them through pipes and vessels, and ultimately to a downstream (refining) operation.
Thus "process safety" is about keeping hydrocarbons within the pipes, tanks and wellbores. Prevention is our first line of defense. We work very hard every day and at all of our locations to operate without injuries, illnesses or incidents. This means focusing on safe behaviors (personal safety) and safe facilities (process safety).
Pipeline Management
Pipelines remain the safest and most reliable method of transporting energy products from the production location to market and the consumer. ConocoPhillips operates, for itself and on behalf of others, over 165 miles of transportation pipelines on Alaska’s North Slope. ConocoPhillips is committed to the safe operation of the North Slope pipelines that it operates and is dedicated to the protection of its employees, the public and the environment. For information on pipeline safety, visit the website for the U.S. Office of Pipeline Safety. You can also download a copy of the ConocoPhillips Alaska pipeline safety brochure.
ConocoPhillips uses a best-in-class, multi-layered approach to prevent, mitigate and detect corrosion on its extensive North Slope pipeline network. Our pipeline asset integrity programs undergo routine review by regulatory agencies such as the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), Department of Transportation (DOT) and the U.S. Coast Guard, as well as ConocoPhillips specialists and industry experts.
The combination of good design practices and effective mitigation, monitoring and inspection programs provides a comprehensive approach to managing the risks associated with corrosion. ConocoPhillips Alaska has won a ConocoPhillips company-wide SPIRIT of Performance award for having a best-in-class corrosion inspection program.