Support for social services organizations comprises approximately one-quarter of the company’s contributions. We work closely with United Way, which is the recipient of about half of the company’s donations to social service groups. United Way in turn supports dozens of Alaska health and social service organizations.
Over many years, ConocoPhillips and its employees have played a leadership role with United Way, providing combined annual contributions in excess of $1 million. In addition, an average of more than 300 of our employees volunteer for the annual Day of Caring, providing assistance on a variety of projects in the community. ConocoPhillips also provides office space to the United Way of Anchorage – a key in-kind contribution in support of United Way’s good work in Alaska.
On April 12, 2017, the United Way of Anchorage presented a plaque to ConocoPhillips and its employees for 50 years of continuous support, including 14 consecutive years of raising $1,000,000+ for United Ways in Alaska. In 2016, despite a downturn in the oil & gas industry ConocoPhillips Alaska employees raised over a million dollars for United Ways in Alaska, and was the only company to contribute at the million dollar level in 2016. Funds raised by the United Way help improve graduation rates, and have helped decrease homelessness in Anchorage.